Quality | Gallery Canvas

 Product Print Size Price
Gallery Canvas450mm x 300mm79.99
Gallery Canvas600mm x 400mm99.99
Gallery Canvas760mm x 500mm149.99
Gallery Canvas900mm x 600mm199.99

The Gallery Canvas is stretched around a 45mm deep frame and has a white border going around the sides. Because the canvas is very thick the corners have to be cut and folded instead of just being folded in. This gives the canvas a much nicer finish and reduces bulk in the corners.


We print on a 100% cotton, 482gsm archival canvas to produce a giclée print that has an archival rating of 75 years. The printed canvas then goes to our spray booth to be sprayed with a fine art satin seal that helps prevent marking and scratching and enables you to clean your canvas print with a damp cloth.


All of our frames are hand-made, in-house, and sourced from FSC regulated sustainable resources. As with all of our waste we make sure that all of our wood offcuts are properly recycled.


All of our prints are printed on large format twelve ink Canon printers. We prefer using Canon printers because they allow us to produce prints with a wide color gamut that have excellent scratch resistance, smooth gradation, sharper blacks, and deeper dark tones.


Finally, the back of the Gallery Canvas print is neatly finished with acid-free artists backing tape and supplied with fixings as well as hanging instructions.


Each product is individually hand-numbered and comes with a certificate of authenticity that includes the issue date, image name, and edition number.