• Neferata: Mortarch Of Blood

    When a threat to her realm of Nulahmia rises, the Mortarch Neferata must commit herself to a centuries-long battle if she is to save her kingdom and retain her position.Artist…

  • Soul Wars

    Nagash is rising. As his legions march forth from Shyish to bring death to all the realms, the Anvils of the Heldenhammer stand firm in Glymmsforge, a city of Order…

  • Gloomspite

    The Bad Moon looms over the city of Dracothium, and Watch Captain Helena Morthan knows it bodes ill for the town. Can she and grieving warrior Hendrick Saul defeat the…

  • Ogor MawTribes

    Ogors are rotund brutes entirely obsessed with eating and fighting. They rampage across the Mortal Realms on an endless, cyclical Mawpath, devouring everything they set their piggish eyes upon. The…

  • Ossiarch Bonereapers

    The Ossiarch Bonereapers come forth in macabre splendour, for they are Nagash’s will given form. All that they kill becomes theirs, body and soul.Artist – Alex Boyd

  • Ghoulslayer

    Gotrek Gurnisson, last survivor of the world-that-was, seeks the Undying King himself amidst the bleak underworlds of Shyish. Surrounded by the ghosts of the past, can Gotrek achieve his goal,…

  • Arkanaut Ironclad vs Bloodthirster

    An Ironclad is a devastating engine of war, a bulky and formidably resilient ship of the line possessing sufficient firepower to level a city.

    Artist – Jaime Martinez

  • Celestant-Prime

    The Celestant-Prime is the very embodiment of the Storm of Sigmar. Those who meet the Celestant-Prime in battle face the full brunt of the God-King’s wrath, for he is the…

  • Gloomspite Gitz

    Under a rising bad moon, the Stormcast Eternals clash against a seemingly endless army of Gloomspite Gitz – a coalition of Moonclan Grots, Spiderfang Grots, troggoths and gargants united by…

  • Idoneth Tidecaster

    From out of blackness they come, emerging from the depths of the realms’ seas upon a surging tide of magic. This art by Phil Moss shows an Isharann Tidecaster conjuring…

  • Catophranes of Shadespire

    Nagash, Lord of Undeath sought to punish the occupants of Shadespire for denying him his rightful tithe of souls. The Great Necromancer wove a ritual that trapped Shadespire between the…

  • Morathi, The Shadow Queen

    She is the High Oracle of Khaine, the Shadow Queen and grand matriarch of the Daughters of Khaine. She is a creature of magic, manipulation and secrets – a blood-priestess…

  • The Beasts of Chaos Gather

    In the untamed wilderness of each realm, the Beasts of Chaos gather, coming together in teeming herds before stampeding out into the civilised lands. Guided by hate-filled instinct and the…

  • Realm of Chaos: Wrath and Rapture

    In both the 41st Millennium and the Mortal Realms, the servants of Chaos war with one another as much as with their innumerable enemies. This dynamic art by Jaime Martinez depicts…

  • Gloomspite Hordes

    Emerging from their underground warrens into the light of the Bad Moon, the Gloomspite Gitz follow the guidance of their insane, fungus-guzzling prophets, seeking out any who would stand against…

  • Gobbapalooza

    Most Moonclan leaders have at least one Gobbapalooza rambling around their lurklair causing mischief. Gatherings of so-called wise-grots, petty shamans and gabbling loonpriests, each Gobbapalooza takes it upon themselves to…

  • Mollog’s Mob

    The Mirrored City is full of conquerors, despoilers and seekers of arcane knowledge, but Mollog – an ancient Dankhold Troggoth – just wants a nap! Stirred from a long slumber,…

  • Skagrott the Loonking

    Skragrott the Loonking is the self-styled overlord the Gloomspite Gitz. His sinister presence upon the field of battle ensures his fellow grots fight with greater spite and cunning than ever….