• Sister Superior Amalia Novena

    A truly classic piece of Sisters of Battle art. Here we see Sister Amalia, clad in the colours of the Order of Our Martyred Lady and armed with a Godwyn-De’az…

  • Sisters of Battle

    Sisters of Battle wielding bolters and a heavy flamer. An imposing Imperial structure looms in the background.Artist – Karl Kopinski

  • Witch Hunter

    A Witch Hunter putting a heretic to flame, surrounded by Sisters of the Order of the Bloodied Rose.Artist – Paul Dainton

  • Roboute Guilliman, Primarch of the Ultramarines

    Strategist. Hero. Avenging Son. Roboute Guilliman is the Primarch of the Ultramarines, Lord of Ultramar, and a peerless leader of men. Reawoken after nearly ten thousand years, Guilliman heads an…

  • Chaos Knight Codex cover art 2019

    Hatred Wrought in iron. Each Chaos Knight is a towering killing machine arrayed with colossal armaments. Cocooned inside their rune-etched carapaces sit Fallen Nobles, the descendants of once-proud warriors who…

  • War of Nightmares

    The planet of Vigilus is under siege, the Warmaster of Chaos, Abaddon the Despoiler, has led his Black Legion to conquer the planet. He has brought with him a host…

  • Skitarii Vanguard

    Skitarii Vanguard are assigned to the most hazardous war zones the galaxy can offer. They bear this duty stoically and in solemn silence, fighting to the last in the name…

  • Calgar Arrives

    “‘You talk of disaster, and I know well why you might. A hundred battles, a billion corpses, with more joining the carrion pile with each passing second. There is panic,…

  • Raven Guard Kill Team

    Armoured in black, the Raven Guard strike from the shadows, finding their foes’ weakest points and slaughtering them without mercy. This art by Mark Holmes depicts a kill team of…

  • Skitarii vs Genestealer Cults

    When a Genestealer Cult rises up on an Adeptus Mechanicus forge world, it falls to the forces of the Skitarii to put it down. This incredible vignette by Igor Sid…

  • Urban Conquest

    War comes all too often to the cities of the Imperium. Many are the foes who would see these great bastions of civilisation torn down. And when those enemies come,…

  • Vigilus Defiant

    The world of Vigilus is a lynchpin of the Imperium, a vital gateway between the two halves of mankind’s sundered empire. And it is there that the Ultramarines and their…

  • Realm of Chaos: Wrath and Rapture

    In both the 41st Millennium and the Mortal Realms, the servants of Chaos war with one another as much as with their innumerable enemies. This dynamic art by Jaime Martinez depicts…

  • Blackstone Fortress

    Artist – Paul Dainton

  • Chaos Throneroom

    Artist – Paul Dainton

  • Pious Vorne, Missionary Zealot

    Artist – Paul Dainton

  • Precipice

    Artist – Paul Dainton

  • Amallyn Shadowguide, Asuryani Ranger

    Artist – Paul Dainton