• The Angels of Death

    The space marines are the Emperor’s will made manifest. They are His angels of death, descending to the battlefield from mighty warships to cleanse the foes of mankind from the…

  • For Dorn and the Emperor!

    The Imperial Fists have stood as steadfast defenders of the Imperium since the Great Crusade. Strong of mind and spirit, they are the Emperor’s shield, indomitable and unbreakable. Their stubbornness…

  • The Flesh is Weak

    Adherents to cold logic, intolerant of weakness and utterly without mercy, the Iron Hands are implacable warriors whose resolve is as unflinching as solid adamantine. They are relentless defenders of…

  • Ultramarine Terminators

    More formally known as Tactical Dreadnought armour, Terminator armour is the most impervious plate ever conceived by the Imperium. The ancient technologies required to maintain its bonded ceramite plating and…

  • Chaplain

    Chaplains are as grim in appearance as they are in character. They wear skull-faced death masks and are clad in archaic, ornate armour the shade of blackest night, adorned with…

  • Vulkite Berzerkers

    Inheritors of a proud martial legacy, the Fyreslayers are amongst the most feared warriors in all the realms. They are the children of long-dead Grimnir, duardin god of battle, and…

  • Kharadron Overlords vs Flesh-eater Courts

    The duardin are traditionally an earthy race, but the Kharadron have left the solidity of stone long behind them. Now they ply the high airs in armoured vessels that are…

  • Kharadron Defending Stronghold

    ‘It’s a simple enough philosophy, underneath all the rules and clauses and sub-amendments. We’re in the business of survival, boy, and material wealth is key. We found the edge of…

  • Grundstock Thunderer

    They come from grim and glowering clouds, their aethermatic guns blazing. Harpoons pierce the flesh of giants; cannons roar like the wrath of ancient gods. In a storm of fire,…

  • Grombrindal the Wanderer

    ‘Duardin, as all peoples of the Mortal Realms know, are a proud and insular folk, as reluctant to ask for a stranger’s aid as they are to freely offer their…

  • Gotrek Realmslayer: Legend of the Doomseeker

    Teeth bared, muscles bulging, his one eye flared briefly golden, thousands of years of visions passing across his half-dead face in an instant.
    ‘Grimnir… damn it… I’ll… regret… this…’
    With a roar…

  • Fyreslayers Charge

    The life of a Fyreslayer is one of constant warfare, for they were born to do battle. They will sell their axes to any who can afford the price, accepting…

  • Auric Hearthguard

    The elite of the Fyreslayer troops are the Hearthguard, who are chosen from the ranks of the Vulkites. The Auric Hearthguard serve as the guard of the Zharrgrim priests. In…

  • Auric Flamekeeper

    Death holds great sway over Fyreslayer society. The war-god Grimnir sacrificed his own life to defeat the mighty Vulcatrix, Mother of Salamanders, and his followers strive to live up to…

  • De Gloria Yarrick

    ‘Heroes of Armageddon! You have withstood the evil savagery of the Orks, and they have nothing left for you to fear. So raise high the black banners of vengeance –…

  • Veterans of Cadia

    Though their home planet was utterly sundered, the resolve of the Cadians has not been broken. Veteran survivors of the last battle for Cadia, along with regiments of their kin…

  • World Eaters

    The tale of the World Eaters is one of merciless slaughter and terrible tragedy from its very outset. They have been a brotherhood dedicated to bloodshed since their earliest days,…

  • Steel Tread

    The Leman Russ Demolisher was devised for but one task – line breaking. It carries the short-ranged but highly destructive demolisher cannon, the utter lethality of which makes this pattern…