• Codex: Blood Angels (1998)

    “To face the Blood Angels in battle is to face the unbound fury of the Primarch Sanguinius himself. To oppose them is to invite your own doom. They fight like…

  • Codex: Catachans (2000)

    “Those fern-forests cover eight million square leagues and they’re rife with blood worms, horn-ticks, forest wolves and enough terminal poxes and plagues to rot a man from the inside out…

  • Codex: Chaos Space Marines (1999)

    “The strong will always enslave the weak. Where the strong make their own fate, the weak bow their heads and succumb. There are few who are strong and many are…

  • Codex: Dark Angels (1999)

    “Since the founding of their Legion at the birth of the Imperium, the Space Marines of the Dark Angels have been dreaded by their enemies and held in awe by…

  • Codex: Dark Eldar (1998)

    “Spawned in the darkest pits of the universe, the piratical Eldar are a curse upon all the races of the galaxy. For untold thousands of years they have preyed upon…

  • Codex: Space Marines (1998)

    “They shall be pure of heart and strong of body, untainted by doubt nd unsullied by self-aggrandisement. They will be bright stars in the firmament of battle. Angels of Death…

  • Codex: Tyranids (2001)

    “There is a cancer eating at the Imperium. With each decade it advances deeper, leaving drained, dead worlds in its wake. This horror, this abomination, has thought and purpose which…

  • Codex: Tau (2001)

    “Stranger, I bid you greetings in the name of the Tau. If you are reading this then you will have encountered one of our messenger drones and are therefore a…

  • Codex: Space Wolves (2000)

    “The Space Wolves are the most barbaric of all the Space Marine Chapters. Their home planet is the harsh ice world known as Fenris, where savage tribe, from which the…

  • Codex: Orks (1999)

    “The Orks plague the galaxy from end to end with their ceaseless warring and strife. They are a race rooted so deeply in war that peace is utterly incomprehensible to…

  • Codex: Necrons (2002)

    “That Man is beset at all quarters by traitors, mutants and fiends is self-evident. But in truth none of these evils shall be our undoing. When the end comes it…

  • Codex: Imperial Guard (1999)

    “Imperial Guardsmen, you are the last line of defence against the alien hordes that threaten our Imperium. Each one of you brave warriors is part of a vast fighting force…

  • Codex: Eldar (1999)

    “Trust not in their appearance, for the Eldar are as utterly alien to good, honest men as the vile Tyranids and savage Orks. They are capricious and fickle, attacking without…

  • Codex: Daemonhunters (2003)

    “You must face the truth squarely and without flinching from duty. Our enemies are mortal no longer. Mercy for such as they is a chimera, self-deception is its only ally….