• Forces of Khemri

    “Arise my warriors! Take up your weapons and prepare for war!” – Settra the Imperishable, Eternal King of Nehekhara

    Artist: Victor Fernandez, Michele Parisi and Connor Magill

  • Forces of Bretonnia

    “For Honour! For Duty! For the Lady!” – Duke Gastille, the Red Hand of Brionne

    Artist: Victor Fernandez, Michele Parisi and Connor Magill

  • Tech-Priest of Mars

    The Adeptus Mechanicus reach out to scour the dim reaches of the galaxy for forgotten fragments of Archeotech from mankind’s past. Their Tech-Priest rulers are rigidly dogmatic and revere technology…

  • Skitarii Legions

    The numberless cohorts of the Skitarii Legions are the cybernetic heart of the Tech-Priests’ military might. They are the foot soldiers of the Cult Mechanicus, fully devoted to the faith,…

  • Remnants of a Dark Age

    The Adeptus Mechnicus do not march to war alone. The adepts of the Collegia Titanica set the ground trembling with the strides of their God-Engines.

    Artist:  John Michelbach

  • Belisarius Cawl

    Belisarius Cawl’s war form is a multi-limbed, biomechanical hybrid. Advanced bionics grant him immense strength and resilience, while snaking tendrils rapidly repair his cybernetic body. For ten thousand years, Cawl…

  • Szarekh the Silent King

    Shatterer of the Star Gods, Defeater of the Old Ones, Bringer of Unity, Master of the Final Triarch, Wielder of the Sceptre of Eternal Glory – these are but a…

  • Skorpekh Destoryer Fighting Orks

    While many strains of insanity have afflicted the Necrons, the nihilistic murder-madness of the Destroyers has proven pernicious and increasingly widespread. Destroyers eschew all notion of personal ambition, desire or…

  • Reshaping Reality

    Whatever a tomb world’s nature or conditions, once the sleepers arise its fate is irrevocably altered. Landmasses shudder and huge subterranean tomb cities stir beneath the surface. Vast structures force…

  • Codex: Necrons Cover Art (10th Edition)

    To face the Necrons in battle is to stand against death incarnate. It is to know the terror of annihilation at the hands of beings who should be long rotted…

  • Their Number is Legion, Their Name is Death

    The Necrons are feared across the Imperium and beyond as a species of seemingly immortal android warriors. Dark rumours circulate of ancient tomb complexes rising from beneath the surfaces of…

  • Tomb World

    The armies of the Imperium have encountered Necron tomb worlds from one edge of known space to the other. Even still, Humanity has discovered but a fragment of the dynastic…

  • The Silent King Arrives

    More Necrons awaken all the time. As their numbers grow, so too do the dire threats they pose to the galaxy. Now Szarekh, last of the Silent Kings, has returned…

  • Court of the Phaeron

    Every tomb world is governed by its ruling noble. These rulers are surrounded by their Royal Court, an assemblage of lesser nobles – nemesors who command the royal legions, Royal…

  • Codex: Necrons Cover Art (9th Edition)

    The Necrons of the 41st millennium are a dark reflection of their faded glories. Aeons of slumber in cold stasis have seen madness creep into the minds of their noble…

  • Abhorrant Gorewarden Leading Their Force

    Gorewardens are the guardians of a kingdom’s borders and marches. These winged vampires squat atop tumbled fortifications, forever alert for trespassers and salivating in anticipation of fresh meat. As some…

  • Abhorrant Reflection

    Ushoran’s curse – the warping of reality in the mind until it resembles some hale chivalric kingdom, no matter the awful truth – was unleashed amongst his spawn when the…

  • Ushoran vs Stormcast Eternals

    An ancient and monstrous lord amongst vampires, Ushoran is amongst the most dreaded of Nagash’s Mortarch servants. He is a font of cursed madness that escalates the mania of his…